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"The Unknown"
Nobody knows much about this guy, in fact, they probably know nothing about them. A mystery to this world, a person that only an amount of people you can number on two hands have seen yet can't share the story.
What knowledge is known about this person is very limited, and the only public knowledge is that Infringio has his own universe to host SMSC thanks to him, but other than that, we only have a rough picture and very vague tales.
Will we ever find out more about him? Can't say for sure...
ATTACK - ??/??
DEFENSE - ??/??

- UserUnknown, Objan and Kirby are well aware of his existence.
- The Otherworld, as well as some other artifacts know who he is too.
- Infringio is a friend of his, and even got his own universe because of it.
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