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"The Doctor"
The doctor is in! Doctor Mario (otherwise referred as Future Mario) is Mario who.. well, came from the future after a hard loss (Say, where's his brother?) and whilst our Mario's doing everything as normal, this Mario took it as a sign to finally rest. And by finally rest, I mean get a doctor's degree. His best cure are the pills he uses to erradicate viruses from within. He's not completely out of the danger zone, though. Bigger viruses attack him on his off days, and he gets caught up in trouble other times. In rare cases, he has to join forces with Mario to stop a bigger threat. Regardless of any change, he's still Mario at the end of the day.
ATTACK - 6/10
DEFENSE - 5/10

Mario Mayhem Friend
- Future Mario usually doesn't do adventures anymore unless they need him.
- Future Mario and Mario technically aren't the same people.
- Future Mario knows of the multiverse hub, but keeps his mouth shut about it.
- What's under Future Mario's bandaid.. glove thing is just bone at this point. He lost most of his hand during the Otherworld War, lucky enough to still have the energy and power to use it.
- His timeline's Luigi is dead. Like, permadead. Not that he'll be able to see him anyway.
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